Business resilience planning
Get help to get a plan to drive your business forward. Free 1:1 business support to plan forward.
The business hardships for 2020 and 2021 are still raw. Get bespoke support to develop your business resilience plans for any future shocks or changes. Plus advice on how to direct your business for recovery, adapting and growth.
Bespoke support for Cherwell businesses. Registration form here
Cherwell District Council with funding from the UK government Contain Outbreak Management Fund are helping local businesses with advice and writing a bespoke plan with proven business advisers.
Request a callback from a business support person
Quick fire clinic
Get answers to burning business questions. Free 1 hour instantly bookable appointment. Book here.
Business Resilience 1:1
Advice and creation of a bespoke plan. We use tools to assess, evaluate and improve your corporate health and performance. Getting you fit for the new normal.
Knowledge centre
Library of content and information to support business resilience and details on the tools we use to help your business.
Cherwell Business Resliience Popup event
The Cherwell Business Resilience popup are virtual and in-person (covid rules allowing) for Cherwell District Council businesses to understand the impacts of the pandemic and ideas for planning for change and adaption. More details and booking can be made via requesting a callback at the top of the page.
Read a case study of a graduate from the programme Ellie Harper owner of Harpers Coffee House.
Topics covered and advice that will be provided include:
- Strategies for growth in post Plan B world and return of WFH advice
- Funding opportunities for getting going
- Planning for change and adapting your business
- Introduction to strategic tools for added value and planning optimisation
The event will be led by Lawrie Chandler from Edale Enterprises.
Knowledge centre
Articles to help you on key topics as part of your response to covid and build resilience.
The pandemic presents a significant business challenge for ensuring your peoples’ safety and managing changing commercial priorities. How do you recover from the crisis? Now you can get general guidance on where to focus as we begin to look beyond the initial impact of coronavirus, as we move into an unknown future.Support to make a difference
Support available to you:
- Bespoke business advice to develop a plan that fits your business.
- Simple eligibility with limited paperwork. Sign up and get business help.
- Bespoke plan to help your business trade in any environment and put foundations down to prepare for the new normal.
- A plan to ensure safe workspaces, effective trading and operation.
Businesses that usually benefit include:
- Those with retail premises and offices.
- Smaller businesses wanting outside assistance.
- Sole traders that need some guidance.
- Traditional businesses that want some advice to solve current pains.
- Firms seeking to accelerate business models that emerged in the pandemic.