EU-South Africa space2waves showcase

Space2Waves showcase and matchmaking

Space2Waves is the continuation of the SpaceWave project (2018-2019) which successfully developed an internationalization strategy to accelerate the global deployment of Earth Observation (EO) technologies in the Blue Growth sector and to support European SMEs’ competitiveness. Work Package 3 involves business meetings between cohorts members and local organisations in South Africa.

During the project 30 European SMEs will have the chance to benefit from preparatory activities to develop new overseas business, take part in matchmaking missions in one of the four target countries as well as follow up actions to maximise collaborations.

As part of building trade bridges between EU SMEs and South African organisations, we are hosting a showcase event. The Space2Waves SME cohort members are a cornerstone of the showcase.

When: 3 March 2022 10:00am – 12:00pm CET online.
Register and show interest using the web form below.

We are working with South African organisations to develop commercial opportunities between the two regions. All enterprises involved are active in one of the themes of Space2Waves:

  • Fisheries
  • Port infrastructure
  • Maritime transport
  • Aquaculture
  • Climate change
  • EEZ Surveillance

Event information

Bringing together numerous participating clusters, associations and companies, predominantly SMEs, from Europe and South Africa, the event is an excellent platform to promote networking opportunities for organisations from Europe and South Africa. In particular, the event is aimed at facilitating the Space2Waves cohort and participants to:

  • Explore trade, investment and partnering opportunities; and
  • Initiate discussions that will ultimately result in Letters of Interest, Memorandum of Understanding, and other types of partnership agreements.

Get involved

We are inviting registrations of South African companies and organisations with an interest in this event.


During the opening session, participants have a chance to experience successful collaborations first-hand between EU and South Africa clusters as well as firms in the space and maritime sectors. It will highlight trade opportunities between the EU and South Africa linked to space and maritime.

After the opening session, there are guest speakers from operators, policymakers, companies and leaders in space and maritime in South Africa.

The remainder of the time and in break out rooms we have dedicated to one-to-one matchmaking sessions between clusters, associations and companies. These are pre-booked sessions by Edale with the participants and provides an opportunity for private discussions.

In the build-up to and following the showcase more one-to-one matchmaking sessions between the European and South African participants will be organised – often being used to further the interactions identified and started previously.

Visit the project website at Sign up page for the Space2Waves Interest Group.

Register an interest

The name of your business.
Your corporate email address.

By completing and submitting this form you are agreeing to your data being shared with MSE International as delivery partner for Space2waves. You are also agreeing to receive email communications from Edale, although you may unsubscribe at any time, only regarding Space2waves project. We need to gather some contact information which will be managed according Edale's Privacy Policy.

Important information

This campaign landing page was funded as part of a contract between Edale Enterprises Limited and MSE International as part of the Space2Waves internationalisation programme funded by the European Union’s COSME Programme. Space2Waves is a 24 months project financed by the European Commission’s COSME Cluster Go International call for proposal (COS-CLUSINT-2019-3-01). The content of this website represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility; it cannot be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission and/or the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) or any other body of the European Union. The European Commission and the Agency do not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.