Focus Digital Survey Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastBusiness or Organisation Name *Business or Organisation Postcode *What support did you receive through the Focus Digital programme? (for example, grant, workshops) *If you received a grant, what value of grant did you receive? What was the main issue that you faced in accelerating a new product/process/service or the implementation? *if you were awarded grant funding, what were aiming to utilise the grant funding for once it had been awarded?How easy did you find it to access the support that you needed? *Rate 1 out of 5Rate 2 out of 5Rate 3 out of 5Rate 4 out of 5Rate 5 out of 51 Star- Very Difficult 5 Stars- Very Easyif you received a grant, how would you rate the grant claim and repayment process?Rate 1 out of 5Rate 2 out of 5Rate 3 out of 5Rate 4 out of 5Rate 5 out of 51 Star- Very Difficult 5 Stars- Very Easyif you attended a workshop, how would you rate the level of support you received during this?Rate 1 out of 5Rate 2 out of 5Rate 3 out of 5Rate 4 out of 5Rate 5 out of 5If additional support or funding became available in the future, what should it focus on that would best support you and your business/organisation? *If you hadn't received any support from this project, do you think you would have been able to access similar support elsewhere? *No, not at all Yes, to a lower standard Yes, but with a delay Yes to the same standard and timeframeIf your business or organisation ceased operations, what percentage of your revenue would be taken up by competitors in your area? (for example 25%) *How many staff does your business or organisation employ? *What percentage of the staff within your business or organisation live outside of the area that your business or organisation resides in? (for example if your business is based in Coventry, how many live outside of this area) *Do you expect to employ any FTE equivalent staff in the next 1-18months? If yes, how many?Can you estimate a percentage and value, for increase in revenue that you have seen since taking part in the project (for example 15% £25,000)If you have not seen an increase in revenue, do you expect this to increase in the future, if yes, when would you expect to see this increase? (for example March 2024)Would your business or organisation have invested in this project without the support from the Focus Digital project? *Definetly NOT invested Probably NOT investedProbably Invested anyway Definitely would have invested anyway What stage of development do you believe your business/organisation was at prior to joining the programme? *Technology Concept Formulated Experimental Proof of Concept Technology Validated in Lab Technology Validated in Relevant Environment Technology Demonstrated in Relevant EnvironmentSystem Completed and Qualified Actual System Proven in Operational Environment What stage of development do you believe your business/organisation was at after completing the programme? *Technology Concept Formulated Experimental Proof of Concept Technology Validated in Lab Technology Validated in Relevant Environment Technology Demonstrated in Relevant EnvironmentSystem Completed and Qualified Actual System Proven in Operational Environment Evaluators would like to include your comments within the report to highlight the process and the impact that the project has had on you. If you do have a moment to leave a quote we would be very grateful. Submit