The Business Bootcamp is an intensive full day event, with support, to give you the confidence, skills and tools to help grow your business. It is free for eligible Dudley based businesses.
We ask you to commit to a diagnostic meeting and pick one of the two dates available to attend the bootcamp. Pick a 1:1 business coaching or marketing health-check session prior to the event to help you identify things to develop in the bootcamp.
Three parts to the Business Bootcamp
Full day bootcamp
Regsiter for a full day’s business support to grow your firm. Spend a day working ‘on’ your business not just ‘in’ it. Pick either Friday 24 March 2023 or Saturday 25 March 2023 to attend. The day runs from 9-5pm with optional networking from 8am. Held at the Dudley Village Hotel.
Business Diagnostic 1:1
Get a personal meeting online to discuss your business, it’s development, challenges, opportunities, weaknesses and threats. This happens prior to the bootcanmp and a compulsory part of the programme.
1:1 Support Session
Pick a business coaching session or marketing healthcheck. The coaching session is a critical friend themed event to consider personal improvements. The markeitng healthcheck is a review of your markeitng + ideas for improvement..